Having a car insurance is mandatory nowadays in numerous states, however getting an insurance randomly won’t provide you with a feasible result. In fact, there are numerous car insurance companies that might not bring the results and treatments which you expect. Because of that, we have created a list of some of the worst auto insurance companies that you can deal with when it comes to car insurance.

1. State Farm Mutual
This is a very large insurance company that has increased its profits exponentially in the last few years. However, the lack of respect towards many customers, many bad reviews as well as multiple accusations towards its customers that they perform insurance fraud have literally made this company one of the worst to deal with when it comes to car insurance, because you can’t expect a great service in this regard. Numerous people with some legitimate claims didn’t receive their insurance, that’s what makes it a company that needs to be avoided.

2. Allstate Insurance Company
Allstate is another example of an insurance company that has grown quite a lot in recent years, but unfortunately this business also suffers from similar problems like the aforementioned ones. They have a program named colossus that make people with legitimate claims avoid legal help and they low ball them with some small settlement offers, otherwise they won’t receive nothing at all. Such type of behavior, combined with multiple complains make Allstate a company to avoid.

3. Dairyland Insurance
This company added an addendum that clearly states that after 7 days it extinguishes all legal contracts, so if during a week after the accident everything is not settled, you will not receive any money. This is simply unacceptable to say the least, and the numerous complaints that Dairyland Insurance gets do show that the company is not a good one to deal with, especially if you want a reliable car insurance contract.

4. Secura Insurance
This company does a good job in some situations, but there are many others in which it fails miserably. They are offering a very low sum of money for the human life, so even if a person dies the others in his or her family will receive a very low amount when compared to other company. So when it comes to low balling, Secura Insurance is very good, and that is the main reason why it needs to be avoided.

5. Progressive Insurance
Progressive Insurance offers a low price for car insurances, but the problem is that for most situations you will have to pay an additional premium, which makes the cost a lot higher when compared to similar solutions. The bad thing here is that they don’t state that obviously in the fine print. On top of that, the company also has to deal with a plethora of complaints when it comes to its services as well.

These are the worst insurance companies that you can find right now in the US. They fail to bring a reliable service and in some situations they will even low ball you, and that is the reason why you need to avoid them at all costs!

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